It’s often hard to get an idea of what the big picture will turn out to be when you start walking your path. When people take that first step, when they commit to being who they really are and acting on it, not just inside in their private thoughts and feelings, but in their external lives where others can see, things can seem disjointed and disconnected to each other.
It’s like restoring this amazing oil painting. Each interest, each project, each attempt to find what works is like wiping centuries of grime off a painting, swirl by swirl. EAch brush stroke is brought into the light, renewed to its former glory, shining and bright and reflective of the light. Each is unique and yet each builds towards a whole that is more than the sum of its parts. The only way to remember who we truly are is to clear each piece, rediscover each part, reclaim each color individually.
Once that is done the picture becomes clear. And then we can choose to see it for the doorway it is and walk into the new world we have recreated for ourselves or simply hang it on the wall so we can look at it each day and wonder “What If?”