Disclosure: There are affiliate links below and I may receive commissions for purchases made through links on this page, but all these are books and resources I recommend. I won’t put anything on this page which I haven’t read and/or reviewed.
For those who want to learn more about the Akashics, here are some resources I recommend:

How Souls Interact in the Akashics

Edgar Cayce
Edgar Cayce on Religion and Psychic Experience | Harmon Bro |
Edgar Cayce on the Akashic Records: The Book of Life | Kevin Todeschi |
Edgar Cayce on Atlantis (Edgar Cayce Series) | Edgar Evans Cayce |
http://www.edgarcayce.org | Edgar Cayce |

Science and the Akashics

Past Life Research/Reincarnation

Near Death Experience (NDE)

Isis Unveiled, Vol. 1 of 2 (Forgotten Books) | Helena Blavatsky |
Isis Unveiled, Vol. 2 of 2 (Forgotten Books) | Helena Blavatsky |
The Secret Doctrine | Helena Blavatsky |
Art Magic | Emma Hardinge Britten |
Body and Soul: A Sympathetic History of American Spiritualism | Robert S. Cox |
Ancient Wisdom Revived: A History of the Theosophical Movement | Bruce. F. Campbell |
Celestial India: Madame Blavatsky and the Birth of Indian Nationalism | Isaac Lubelsky |
Recycled Lives: A History of Reincarnation in Blavatsky’s Theosophy (Oxford Studies in Western Esotericism) | Julie Chajes |

Rudolph Steiner
Theosophy : An Introduction to the Spiritual Processes in Human Life and in the Cosmos | Rudolf Steiner |
New Essential Steiner: An Introduction to Rudolf Steiner for the 21st Century | Robert McDermott |
An Introduction to Waldorf Education and Other Essays | Rudolf Steiner |
What is Anthroposophy?: Three Spiritual Perspectives on Self-Knowledge (Collected Works) | Rudolf Steiner |
Waldorf Education: A Family Guide | Pamela Johnson Fenner |
The Fifth Gospel: From the Akashic Record (CW 148) | Rudolf Steiner |

How to work with the Akashics

Books channeled directly from the Akashics

Ancient Texts which reference Soul Books
The Bible, Bonded Leather, Black, Red Letter Edition | Exodus 32:32-33, Psalm 69:28, Psalm 139:16, Revelation 20:12 | New International Version |
The Books of Enoch: Complete edition: Including (1) The Ethiopian Book of Enoch, (2) The Slavonic Secrets and (3) The Hebrew Book of Enoch | 1 Enoch 81:4 | Trans. by R.H. Charles |
4 Ezra and 2 Baruch: Translations, Introductions, and Notes | 2 Baruch 24:1 | Michael E Stone, Matthias Henze |
Translations of Early Documents Series 1; Palestinian Jewish Texts (Pre-Rabbinic). The Apocalypse of Ezra (II Esdras III-XIV) | The Ascension of Isaiah 9:20-22 | G.H. Box, J. I. Landsman, R.H. Charles |
The Qur’an | Al- Quran 54:52-53 | Oxford World’s Classics |