Ok, so things are ramping up. If it isn’t social obligations, his office Christmas party it’s her office Christmas party.  We’re coming up on holiday shipping deadlines, prepping for Christmas travel, desperation levels are rising in the shopping area, and the sounds of wrapping, decorating, and swearing are beginning to resound throughout the world.  With all of that and sunset coming so very early, it’s probably time to lighten up a bit.  Yeah, I know that he/she is out there right now risking life and limb to put those Christmas lights up on the house.  So what are you doing in here reading this blog?  Go out there and hold the ladder.  Oh, you’re reading this on your tablet/phone?  Ok, then.

Well, let’s really lighten up a bit:

christmasgenius-630x472Yeah, and there are traditions to be upheld during the Christmas season but that doesn’t mean you have to go old school:

starwarsnativity3You can let the joy of the season ring out and your creativity shine…

SciFi Nativity

Now I know how important the reason for the season is to people.  But I think this might be over thinking it.  Less thinking more eggnog please…


And in the end, if you really must go old school, reaching deep back into the past for those traditions that mean the most because they have stood the test of time, well you can’t go wrong with the Old Ones that existed before man and strike terror into every human heart. Especially when they are in the form of plushies.  Awwwww….

Cthulhu-Christmas-Tree-2 So lighten up a little, take a pause, remember that you don’t have to run around doing and that the season is to be enjoyed.