From childhood we are inundated with iconic roles that we should fit into, fireman, policeman, nurse, doctor, dentist. No one talks about Poster Artist or Leather Craftsman or Architectural Draftsman. Or Food Cart owner or Crepe Shop Owner or Linguistic Researcher or Government Lab Technician. I could go on and on but I think you get the picture. There are literally millions of jobs, opportunities, and roles out there in the world beyond what we are taught. All of them wondrous and hard work and at the end of the day, for each person who’s soul matches that avocation, joyful, satisfying and just downright good.
What are you really good at? What things do you like to do which can provide a service to others as well as yourself? Have you ever thought about looking for a way to make that your career? Has that opportunity come up before and poo-poohed it as not being a serious job or not being able to provide you with enough money? Look again. You would be surprised how much the universe is willing to support you in doing what you are best at and what you best love.
Yes, it’s BlueClouds 1.5 by Catarina Yamamoto. If you’re using WordPress it’s downloadable through their themes.