Being Connected

We humans are social creatures.  We’re meant to belong in a variety of ways.  We have connections to our family of origin and make new ones by marriage and by having children.  We create community through our friends and our families of choice.  We join groups, meet others who share our interests, have geographic connections…

We Are Divine Source

In the 16th century Rabbi Isaac Luria started teaching about the beginnings of the universe.  God withdrew itself making a space where there was nothing, therefore something could come into being.  Drawing from itself it created urns which it filled with its essence.  Unfortunately not all the pots were able to contain such an amount…

Invent Your Own Life’s Meaning

“Creating a life that reflects your values and satisfies your soul is a rare achievement. In a culture that relentlessly promotes avarice and excess as the good life, a person happy doing his own work is usually considered an eccentric, if not a subversive. Ambition is only understood if it’s to rise to the top…

If Only

It’s common for people to get stuck in relationships, not because there is anything sticky in the relationship, not because there is any confusion or misunderstandings about it , but because we dwell on “if only.”  “If only they would do this….” or “If only we could be like that…” or “If only they wouldn’t…” or…

There’s A Time For Everything

Life isn’t black and white, either/or, and how we live shouldn’t be either.  We should be practical and fanciful, clear-eyed and dreamy, living in the now but remembering our past and planning for our future.  We should be flexible enough to take advantage of opportunities as they arise, incorporating the results into ourselves, then adjusting…

Be Like Water

Bruce Lee: Artist of Life (Bruce Lee Library) Bruce Lee writes: After spending many hours meditating and practicing, I gave up and went sailing alone in a junk. On the sea I thought of all my past training and got mad at myself and punched the water! Right then — at that moment — a…


We’re taught to look for the lesson.  Everything happens for a reason, there must be something you need to learn, some purpose for why this has come to you.  Go inside and figure this out and everything will fall into place.  And I don’t disagree in principle.  Everything does happen for a reason.  I don’t…

Yeah, Yeah…I Know

We all have things in our lives like this.  The think we know we need to do or change or get to or work through, but we just haven’t because…you know…reasons.  Mostly because we make other things a priority and it’s way easier to deal with all of those than do *this*.  Because *this* is…

Change – Some Assembly Required

There’s this weird thing that happens when people talk about moving forward in their lives or making changes or manifesting their purpose or their dreams or…whatever.  On the one hand they talk about how they want things to be and then in the next breath they turn and look back at how things have “always…


At some point you have to commit.  It doesn’t matter about the signs, about the approval of authority figures, permission from spiritual beings, the stars alignment or what your family thinks.  Too many times all these things are in agreement that we should do the thing we want most in the world and yet nothing…