Time To Quit

I’m all about follow through.  Keeping your promises. Do what you say you will do. See things through to the end. All that stuff.  But like with most everything, too much of a good thing can be too much.  Life is not about absolutes and one size rarely fits all and sometimes not even some. …

Combating the Inner Critic

From Big Magic: Creative Living Beyond Fear by Elizabeth Gilbert “I believe that this good kind of arrogance-this simple entitlement to exist, and therefore to express yourself-is the only weapon with which to combat the nasty dialogue that may automatically arise within your head whenever you get an artistic impulse. You know the nasty dialogue…

What’s To Be Done

It can be overwhelming. In our every increasingly global community where news is instantaneous and we are impacted by the tragedies of others both catastrophically natural and man-made we are faced with the challenge not of how to feel deeply, but who and what we should feel deeply for. If that weren’t enough we are…

Looking Beyond the Boundaries

People make structure out of chaos.  That’s what our highly developed brains are supposed to do.  It’s our one weapon for survival in this dangerous place we call home.  We have no fur to keep us warm when temperatures drop, we are slow-moving, we have no defensive weapons, we basically have our brains, opposable thumbs,…

Thoughts and Prayers

I find that I still have either no words, the words have already been said, or my anguish is so huge that the words come out in a wail. I think if there are words to be said, then John Scalzi’s Whatever post says them well enough. A man goes into an immigration services center in…

They Have Names

  Edward Sotomayor Jr., 34 years old Edward Sotomayor was a caring, energetic man known for wearing a silly top hat on cruises, said David Sotomayor, who identified himself as the victim’s cousin. David Sotomayor, who lives in Chicago, told The Associated Press Sunday that Edward worked for a company that held gay cruises and…