Free eBook About The Akashics

Yes, I’ve done it.  I realized that after over 2 years and almost 600 posts on the blog, it would be practically impossible for all but the most intrepid spelunkers to find the Akashic posts they are looking for.  So I’ve collected them all in one place. In here you’ll find information about past lives…

Where Else Can I Go?

There is so much focus on the Akashic Library and on Akashic records that people usually have no idea that there are other places in the Akashics to explore.  Most people who even know that the Akashics exist are looking for answers about themselves, about situations, about things that they want.  They want answers to…

Can You Depend On You?

There are times when we wonder who we can depend on in a given situation.  If we need a certain someone to do a certain something, can we depend on them to do it?  Even if they say they will?  If we go through the hoops that a company or organization says we need to,…

Spirit Body Congruence

When I give a reading for a new client I begin by looking at their physicality. This sometimes surprises clients and I have found that there are a couple of reasons for this.  One is that the soft and hard sciences have worked very hard to see the body as a machine with various parts…

Why Past Lives?

Why would we choose to live embodied lives full of struggle and pain and failure and mistakes and inevitable death?  Why would we choose to come be in bodies and lifetimes full of sorry and regret?  Why keep ourselves on a continuous wheel full of negative experiences and punishment?  Well, there is no one reason…

Past Life Roles We Live

I find it interesting to look at past lives to see how the individual soul works with the roles of male and female.  Mostly I’m looking at the past few millenia as there are so many lives in any one soul book that there’s no real reason to go back that far unless there is…

Learning From Our Past Lives

We’ve all heard about life not being perfect and about needing to fail multiple times in order to succeed and that everyone makes mistakes.  And all of this is true.  And it applies in the macro as well as the micro.  Our past lives are a record of our successes and our failures.  And guaranteed,…

Past Life Remains

People remember living lives before this one.  Whether they are fabricating those memories, conflating stories they heard in childhood with memory, or if these are actually memories, the fact is that they are happening.  The way in which they do so fall into two general categories:  spontaneously as part of childhood development or as a…

Past Life Choices

Some people think of past lives as evidence that life is somewhat like living on the eternal and universal playground where a bully is forever grabbing their wrist and hitting them with their own hand while chanting “Why’re you hitting yourself?  Why’re you hitting yourself?”  Others think of past lives as an ongoing class with…

Past Life Relevance

There are quite a few notions swirling around out there about past lives, what they mean, why we have them, and what we do about them. And there are a great many people out there trying to provide understanding and support, mostly by, unfortunately, claiming that they know a secret, an ancient practice, have communication…