What’s Blocking You?

Lots of people want to know what’s blocking them from being their best selves or keeping them from the thing they want, their best life, whatever.   The answer to this can go a couple of ways: a)  They already know what the issue is and so this is just validation.  b) They have absolutely no…

Too Much Of A Good Thing

Most people hope for good things to come and look forward to enjoying them as they occur.  Kind of like pearls on a string, the good things are expected to come one at a time because we kinda set ourselves up to think that at best life is ‘meh’ with some good in it and…

Putting On the Elemental Glasses

Karen Abler Carrasco gives an amazing overview not only of this year of the Horse but of the Chinese yearly cycles and the elements that inform them.  Ever wondered why last year was Black/Water Snake vs. any other kind?  Want to know what makes Wood Horse so much more potent and the ride just that…

Once Again With Feeling

Our minds are amazing problem solvers.  If we start thinking about something, even vaguely, all of a sudden information start spooling out, ideas about what I could do with that, what could be, how I would do it differently, ‘hmmmm…I’d like to know more about that…’, and on and on.  Even if it’s just an…

As Within so Without

There is a practical connection with internal change and external events.  I know that most people know they aren’t islands, but somehow we think that who we are as beings doesn’t affect anyone or anything unless we’re taking direct action.  (?????)  We are interconnected in amazing ways that we can’t even fathom so when you…

Take A Look

I have a number of new articles published at Kumarahub.com.  You can check them out here:  Akashic Insights Liz at Kumarahub.com also has a new Facebook page with wonderful articles and insights.  You can find it here:  https://www.facebook.com/Kumara.Meditation  

Yes But…

So it’s January and in this year of the horse we’re being asked to get a move on.  Actually, we’re being asked to keep up because the energy is moving with or without us.  For many people that will mean taking the first steps towards achieving our dreams, finally letting go of the have to’s…

Bringing It Here

So much about spirituality is focused on either going in or going somewhere else.  Looking outside the self to a better place, working to release from the physical body with all of its needs and it’s missteps and mistakes and desires and whims so we can be in a perfected state and achieve bliss and…

What About Both/And?

I’m a fan of “both/and.”  I think that quite a few problems come from the either/or way of thinking and the “my way or the highway” mode of perceiving the world.  I work with lots of really great people who believe and perceive that there is no way to get from here to there because…